Sunday, August 5, 2007

Making Coffee

I saw a great reaction to our "new" yard this morning. The coffee pot sits under the window looking over the back yard. As I was preparing the Maxwell House, down the street comes this SUV. You can see the street quite clearly now. The SUV slows from a clip to a crawl. The older gentleman, driving, stares into our yard with shock, horror or just plain disbelief. I wonder if he was one of the Lundeen boys.

We always hear from our older neighbors about the Lundeen's. They lived in the house for at least 40 years. They had 6 boys and 1 girl. I do not know how everyone fit, but they left an impression.

The good news: Menard's has split rail fencing on sale; $21 for a 10 foot section.

1 comment:

Jon said...

You know, you may need to put a big sign up saying the city made you cut them down, just for those people, who might think your an idiot for cutting them down.