Wednesday, July 15, 2009

iTunes Digitial 45s

I just saw this today. It is an interesting marketing idea to a semi-old man like me, but not old enough to be part of the original 45 era. The digital music era destroyed the idea of the Album. 10 or so songs recorded and packaged to be listened to at the same time. This is a case of form forcing function. The digital era every becomes there own radio programmer and buys and arranges individual songs. This is a way to take two songs from an artist and sell them as one unit. How many albums have 10 great songs. Some do, but I can name several where I listen to two or three tracks and skip the rest.

I have to congratulate apple on the pricing strategy. Sell two songs for $1.99 that could be purchase separately for $1.98. It looks like you get a little extra album art for your penny, but I bet the extra penny is pure profit.

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