These are my negative arguments for Barack Obama.
George Bush is the worst president in American history. He has severally weakened this country and it will take 20 years (5 presidential terms) to dig our way out. The Republican party did this to themselves because they loved power over principle and good government in 2004. The American people did this to themselves because we enabled, and are one in the same with these spend thrifts and fools.
John McCain decided to bow before Bush and Rovian politics in 2004. This is where he gave up ever being the McCain I supported in 2000.
John McCain’s second weakness is his age. His VP pick is absolutely more important then it would be normally. Sarah Palin is an inferior choice. It do not care that she is a gun toting red neck. I am a gun toting North Minneapolis elitist. She has a short executive record and most of it is weak to bad. Her theology is wrong, and worse then Obama’s wrong theology. She is a Penta-prosperity-gelical. I feel I am being generous with the -gelical suffix. Why did he not pick Huckabee all the strengths none of the weaknesses?
This is my Positive Argument.
His decision making process is conservative. He consults and is willing to change his mind in face of facts on the ground. He will not abdicate his post as commander-in-chief by asking his Generals to provide political cover.
He is a post Boomer. He was not old enough to make any decisions in the 1960s, so maybe he can lead us beyond them. I believe he will be presidential and support centrist positions on social issues, even though he holds liberal views on abortion and guns. IF the first thing passed is FOCA or federal gay marriage; He will not get to work on the core “social contract” issues he is running on. I am much more worried about social issues in a 2nd term.
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